Jeff Weintraub on what Iraqis think

The American socialist Jeff Weintraub offers an analysis which differs from his compatriot Michael Moore. Jeff examines polling data on what Iraqis think and concludes that these figures do offer one more reality check for those opponents of the war who have claimed to be acting on behalf of the wishes and well-being of Iraqis. (David Spector)

Contribution by LFIQ Director Gary Kent to LFIQ meeting at Commons

You don’t have to go back on opposing or supporting the war to understand that things have changed in Iraq. Against the odds, brave comrades are setting up a new trade union movement. A healthy labour movement in Britain would make it a key task to provide maximum solidarity to its sisters and brothers in Iraq who face a serious threat to their independence from the Iraqi Government as well as from terrorism. It’s high time that the British left and unions followed the example of unions such as Unison, the FBU and the RMT in doing all they can … Continue reading Contribution by LFIQ Director Gary Kent to LFIQ meeting at Commons

Iranian Bus workers dispute – Protest Wednesday 15 February 2006

An international day of protest has been organised for Wednesday 15th February 2006. The TUC and the International Transport Workers Federation has asked UK affiliates to protest at the Iranian embassy (16 Princes Gate, London SW7 1PT) from 11am on Wednesday 15th February. If you can attend please bring your union banners, flags etc. (Hat Tip Matewan/Harry’s Place)

Commons meeting on democratic consolidation in Iraq

Labour Friends of Iraq (LFIQ) briefing/seminar on Democratic Consolidation in Iraq and support for Grassroots Iraq Tuesday 14th February 6-8pm House of Commons Chair: Dave Anderson MP (Chair LFIQ) Speakers Abdullah Muhsin: International Representative, Iraqi Workers Federation (IWF) Kevin Curran: Co-ordinator, Food Service Workers’ Alliance for Growth, International Union of Foodworkers (IUF) Speaker from Iraqi Community Association (ICA) Gary Kent: Director LFIQ There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. The meeting is timed to discuss the position of progressive forces in Iraq following the elections and the current moves to form a government as well as to … Continue reading Commons meeting on democratic consolidation in Iraq

Whispers of the end game in Iraq?

The UN Iraq envoy Ashraf Jehangir Qazi has denounced political violence in any form saying it was a major impediment to achieving national unity and stability whilst U.S. officials have met figures from some Sunni Arab insurgent groups but have so far not received any commitment for them to lay down their arms. (David Spector)

The state of the Iraqi economy

The Iraq Directory carries an interview with Sinan Mohammed Rida Al-Shabibi, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq. He discusses debt, inflation and concludes on an optimistic note – We have very good talents. The only problem with the Iraqis is that they were not exposed to the world because of the war, [U.N.] sanctions and the policies of the [Saddam Hussein] regime. (David Spector)