LFIQ mission statement

Iraq is emerging from its long nightmare of Saddam’s totalitarianism, wars and privation.
Iraq now has an opportunity to use its natural and human wealth to build a democratic civil society. An independent and secular labour movement is a key part of civil society and can do much to promote the unity of working people, regardless of creed or gender.
The United Nations has endorsed an ambitious political process aiming to establish a democratic government by the end of next year. The new Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU) is using the process to secure labour rights to regain sovereignty and build democracy. Labour Friends of Iraq (LFIQ) strongly supports them and opposes private militias which are seeking to deprive the Iraqi people of a democratic future.
LFIQ includes those who opposed and those who supported military action but are united in supporting Iraq’s struggle for democracy and labour rights.
History will not forgive us if we fail to give solidarity to Grassroots Iraq as its long-suffering people seek a federal, democratic, pluralist, and unified Iraq, in which there is full respect for the political and human rights of all.
We will encourage support for the IFTU and the labour interest through fact-finding trips, publications, seminars, fund-raising, speaker tours, regular electronic bulletins and on our website. We will encourage mutually beneficial cultural, social, political and economic links with progressive Iraqi organisations.