London One Year Later
The people affected by the bombs last July were Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and people of no particular religion! – This has proved once and for all that terrorism does not have a religion. Said Jabbar Hasan, director of Iraqi Association in London.
The foreign policy of a democracy should be determined only by an elected government and its parliament. It is unacceptable even to imply, let alone to assert, that suicide-murderers and a bunch of bloodthirsty fanatics or their representatives acquire the right to any say in how matters are decided.
Last July Londoners received a taste of what life is like for Baghdadi people, whose Muslim faith does not protect them from slaughter at the hands of nihilists who think they are not Muslim enough, or are the wrong Muslim
As British Iraqis we are sick and tired to hear ludicrous arguments that Iraq was the motive behind this sadistic act. The whole argument is frankly pathetic! Bitterness towards government policies cannot justify killing of innocent people. The actions of four heinous cowards last July must be condemned by all. Can’t we all just be humanists? You don’t need to believe in a religion to have morals and ethics, said Jabbar Hasan.
We send our thoughts and prayers to all the family and friends who lost their loved ones last July, and to all the people who are still recovering from injuries. Life has to go on, not forgetting 7/7, but not being the prisoner of that date either.
Iraqi Association is an independent organisation established in 1987 to help Iraqis integrate successfully in this country. Every year the organisation deals with more than 10,000 cases.