The third anniversary continues to focus pro and anti-invasion views. Here is a review of Iraqi problems and possible solutions, from both sides of the argument.
Dlawer Ala’Alduen at openDemocracy argues that Iraq will only become stabilised once Iran and Syria stop attempting to influence the political and military situation.
Senator Edward Kennedy argues that President Bush should immediately convene a summit of Iraqi groups and leaders to support the creation of a broad-based national unity government and encourage the leaders to give the highest priorities to the compromises essential to avoid civil war. The Arab League should be encouraged as well to continue to facilitating dialogue between Iraqis. We also strongly support the United Nations’ effort to establish a regional contact group of Iraq’s neighbors. It’s essential to find effective ways to increase trust between Iraq and its neighbors, and to minimize their intervention if conditions continue to deteriorate.
A National Review Online symposium offers an alternative American interpretation. Peter Brookes argues against a withdrawal, saying that it will leave a vacuum for al Qaeda, Iran or Syria to fill.
Laurie King-Irani concentrates on the historical context of the invasion. Although Iraq’s
infrastructure needs repair, and the population need social and psychological healing and regeneration there are many possibilities for a highly literate society with a wealth of natural resources. (David Spector)